Thursday, September 11, 2008

Bon Fire for FHE

Our new ward in Ventura has an unofficial FHE every month at the beach with a Bon Fire. I had always wanted to have a bon fire on the beach and was excited to finally have one. We ate some sandwiches and then made some smores. I can not even remember the last time I had a smore. They were great!!! Jackie is an expert smore maker.
Jackie with the Morris Family
Oh what a cute couple.
Jackie roasting some marshmellows.
It was a lot of fun being on the beach around the fire. Even some of the kids got in the ocean. I think they are crazy because it has to be cold, but they enjoyed it. Once again, anyone in the area, we will be at Disneyland in two days. Feel free to come!!!!! Well I guess it's not free because you have to pay for your Disneyland tickets, but you know what I mean :)


Spenny and Nellie Morris said...

Fun times!!!

JenJ said...

Way fun, I love bonfires on the beach. What a cool monthly FHE. I wish as we got older, our wards would do stuff like that. We all think we are too busy.

Abby said...

Great pics guys! Looks like tons of fun. Wish we were there...or you were here...hint, hint.

Ashley said...

Isn't the beach the best!! And Disneyland too! You guys are always having fun! love the pics.