Monday, July 18, 2011

Harry Potter

My brother Tim and his wife Ashli have been to most of the midnight shows when the Harry Potter movies would come out. CJ and I went to the sixth one and we swore we would never do it again. We got home around 3:30 am and then had to get up for work. Not fun. So when Tim called to see if we wanted to go to the last Harry Potter, the last midnight show that he was going to go to, we HAD to see how it all ends, the last big hoop la, of course we were going to say no! For some reason we decided to go. It was probably the last midnight show we will ever go to, so why not? We hung out at my mom's until 11:45 pm and then left. My mom was nice enough to let us all have a sleepover and to watch the little ones while we went to the movie. We got home close to 3 and poor CJ had to get up and go to work, but he didn't have the 30 minute drive so that was nice. Little Jackson slept in late that morning so I was able to catch up on some sleep. It was actually a lot of fun and I am glad that we went. Life just wouldn't be that exciting unless you do crazy stuff like this, right?

Ashli's nephew had a death eater mask, wand and Harry glasses so we all took turns playing with them. CJ just had so much fun casting spells on Wyatt.

Jackson really just wanted to eat the glasses, he didn't really like them on his face.


Ashli always makes a yummy treat for the midnight shows. This time she made butter beer. It tasted like butterscotch. It was too bad. Ashli said the butter beer at Universals in Florida was much better, but I thought she did a great job making it.
