My Baby is growing way too fast. I always have to add a ton of pictures because he is just so stinkin' cute and makes the cutest faces.
Weight: 15 1/2 lbs.
Height: 25 3/4 in.
At five months, Jackson is sitting up pretty good. He leans forward a little sometimes and can usually sit for a while before he falls over. He gets excited when he is sitting up and able to look around.
He holds onto things a lot better. If you hold it out for him, he will grab it from you. He reaches for whatever you have in your hand now, it makes it a lot more difficult to do things while holding him.
He still doesn't sleep through the night. He has been waking up an extra feeding again. He goes to sleep around 9:30 pm and wakes up between 1-2 and 4-5 and then is up at 8. This past week I have been trying to get him back to sleep in the night without feeding him. When I hear him stirring I hurry and give him his binki and he usually falls back to sleep. He takes awesome naps though so I can still catch up on my sleep. He takes a nap at 10 for 1 1/2-2 hours and then again at 1 for the same length of time. He will fall asleep later in the day, but that isn't a set nap time.
Jackson is in 6-9 month clothes and even wears some 12 month clothes. He is getting pretty chunky and I can't do up some of his 6 month pants because they are too tight. He is in size 3 diapers. He has been for about three weeks now. When I could hear him talking in the morning, I would go into his room and pick him up only to find that he had pooped all the way up his back and his sheet was soaked. After finding these lovely surprises multiple times and having poop up to his arm pits almost every time he was going poop during the day, I decided to save the rest of the two diapers and just move on to the threes. I am very happy I did. He now only as about three onsies that are not stained yellow.
Jackson loves to stand up, he would rather do that then sit. He loves to bounce up and down also. He will do that forever. You will sit him down on your lap and he will straighten his body so you can pull him up to stand.
Jackson loves his Daddy. When CJ gets home from work and starts talking, Jackson will turn his head all over the place until he finds his Dad. It is so cute. If he is not facing him, he will keep turning his head to see CJ. Even if I am trying to get Jackson to eat and he hears his Dad, he will stop eating and find him. He will hang his head upside down to see CJ and sit like that forever.
Hanging his head upside down has become a new thing that Jackson really likes to do. He will be lounging on my lap and hang his head down. I will start to tickle his face and he loves it. He just hangs out like that until I pull him up. I keep thinking all the blood is rushing to his head, this can't be good to do this so I pull him up and then he goes right back down.
Seriously 5 months?! He is so cute! I love the picts on his tummy. He just looks so darn cute.
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