Monday, June 6, 2011

Hogle Zoo

Holly and I went to the zoo last week and it was so much fun! We had fun looking at all the animals and just hanging out. I bought this cute little hat for Jackson so the top of his head wouldn't burn from the lack of hair! He got sick of sitting in the stroller so this helped protect him while we carried him around. Here we are on the train.

This gorilla was hilarious. We were laughing so hard! Here he is just chillin' in his little corner taking a nap. This is exactly how Jackson sleeps, I laughed when I saw him.

Then he woke up and moved his giant sized finger right to his nostril and picked it. You can kind of see it in the picture below. We were all laughing and grossed out. Then he moved that finger directly to his mouth. Gross! It must have tasted good because he did this about 10 more times. He must have thought that he got it pretty clean because then he proceeded to the next nostril and did the exact same thing. He did it for so long, everyone around was just laughing hysterically.
I turned to all the little kids watching and said, "Children, that is how you clean your nose!" The parents laughed and kids just sat there and said, "Eeww!" It was great!

He turned and just stared at all of us watching him. I love how he put his legs up on the wall. He was just like a human hanging out.

I think I pretty much measure up to the size of the male gorilla.....
Holly is pretty darn close...

Jackson didn't care about any of the animals of course. He had no idea what he was looking at. When we saw these monkeys though, he followed them a couple times. I was so excited! I told Holly "He saw his first monkey!" Yes, I know I am goofy and obviously a first time Mom when I get that excited over something so silly. But it was cute, so there!

I told Holly I needed a picture of her and Jackson with an animal so the animal that she picked was the rooster that was wandering around the zoo. You can see it in the distance. Silly Holly. I love the zoo!! And will go many more times this Summer!


Anonymous said...

I like the first gorilla best. = )

Wall said...

What a fun trip! We should totally take a trip to the zoo while I'm in town next month. That would be fun :)