Monday, August 18, 2008

Tyler and Jen's Wedding

This was a busy busy weekend. Friday I left work a little early, picked up the Uhaul truck and started loading it. Our friend Andy came over and was a huge help. By the time Jackie got home from work, we were ready to take the first load to the new apartment. Dropped everything off, went back to the old apartment to get all the misc stuff. I left to pick up Spenny and Nellie from LAX. I got back after eleven and by that time Andy and Jackie had loaded up all the left over stuff and had the Uhaul at the new apartment. Then Andy, Spenny, Nellie, Tyler (the night before his wedding), all helped us unload the last little bit. It is great to have such wonderful friends.

Saturday we had Tyler and Jen's wedding. We were able to go to the temple with them and it was wonderful. It was a lot of fun to get to know more of Tyler's family. Here is a part of his family. He has 11 or 12 siblings plus 50 or more nieces and nephews. Not everyone was here because it was their fifth wedding this summer. The Wedding dinner was in Camarillo and like always the weather was perfect. It was such a nice evening.
Nellie, Jackie, and Logan in his sweet Tux.

Sunday was spent finishing up everything and we are glad to be in the new place. Not too excited to unpack stuff though. That is just as bad as packing.


Unknown said...

I am glad you guys got all moved.

Genius move by the way CJ on volunteering to drive and get Spenny from the airport while Jackie and Andy loaded the truck.

L said...

Wow, what a gorgeous wedding!

How do you like your new place?

L said...

P.S. Michael and I have Disneyland annual you guys? Wanna go??

JenJ said...

I wondered when/if you guys were going to move. Glad you are there, good luck with the unpacking.

Casey and Diana said...

Jackie!! I hope you remember me "d" (Diana) from school! I'm glad to see you and CJ are doing great over there! Yes I realize CJ does most of the writing but will you pass on my message of hello to her?

Becky said...

I love unpacking!! You have already sifted through the crap and sent it off the to DI or whatever, and everything you put away is exactly where it goes. Organized, clean, and beautiful!! Wish you guys lived closer, I'd come and help you!! :)