Saturday, June 7, 2008

My New Glasses

Everybody in my family has glasses except for my sister Jodi and me. My eyesight has been getting bad lately, I can't see far away things. I can't read street signs or the chalkboard in Primary. It was bound to happen sooner or later, so I decided it was time to get some glasses. CJ and I went to Lenscrafters yesterday and I got my eye exam and then we went through the store searching high and low for the perfect ones, but I am not so sure that we picked the perfect ones. CJ and the girl at the store who was helping us thought these were the cutest ones. I trusted them and went for it. We took a picture on CJ's phone and sent it to my sister Holly so my family could see, she showed my Daddy and he didn't even recognize me. So sad! I told myself I wasn't going to wear them all the time, just for driving or when absolutely needed. But after wearing them for a couple hours last night when we were walking around the mall, I couldn't believe how much sharper everything looked. I didn't realize how bad my eyes really were. Bummer! So needless to say, I feel like an idiot when I wear them. It will definitely take some time to get used to seeing me with them on.


Brittany said...

Those glasses look so cute on you Jackie! I love them!

Natalie said...

I love your glasses! I got glasses a couple of months ago, and it took a while to get used to them. I don't wear them all the time, but it's amazing how much they help!

My Walkabout said...

Welcome to the Club jackie-O!

Unknown said...

I wear my glasses all the time!! I love them. If you hate them so bad, you can get these things called Contacts. :) They are really great!! I wear both as you know! I think the glasses are really cute on you. It was a good choice. You will love being able to see everything. Good Luck and as WIlly said, Welcome to the club four-eyes!! J/k :) Love you

JenJ said...

Glasses are so cute on you. I like them because they add a little dimension to any face, kind of liven it up a little bit.

Abby said...

You look lovely in glasses, Jackie. If it makes you feel any better, I have been buying 'fake' glasses for years because I think they're so cute! I call them my Smart Glasses, and I wear them when I need a little boost of intelligence. For reals...

Becky said...

I've got news for you - you're dad's eye sight isn't so great either. Don't worry, they look great!! Good choice!

L said...

What are you talking about?? You look so cute in glasses!! They are stylish and cute - CJ and that girl did a good job picking them out! :)

Spenny and Nellie Morris said...

She looks hott huh C.J.?!

Kelly Brooke said...

Jackiesprat...those are cute. I think its funny that we all have to wear glasses. You look so mature.